Dr. Mohammad Heydarizad 's Presentation : The Principles of Peaceful Coexistence According to the Holy Quran and the biography (Sīrah) of Shia Imams

Here is the English abstract of Mohammad Heydarizad (Muslem Clergy; Faculty Member, Department of Islamic Teachings, Urmia University, Iran) presentation at the 3nd pre-con meeting of the conference “Imam Reza (PBUH) and Interreligious Dialogue" which was held in Urmia University, Iran on October 28, 2023.
The Principles of Peaceful Coexistence According to the Holy Quran and the biography (Sīrah) of Shia Imams
Islam, by rejecting discrimination between human beings, emphasizes the equality of human beings of all races, languages, and geographies. It is opposed to all injustice and brutality against human beings, and seeks to create a friendly and fraternal atmosphere among all peoples, races, and nations. On this basis, it has taught its followers the principles of peaceful coexistence with other religions and insists on their implementation. The Qur'an has established interaction with non-Muslims on the basis of kindness and justice, and emphasized the principles of peaceful coexistence, including: Calling on the basis of commonalities, respecting the sacred of others, accepting other religions and affirming past prophets, rejecting racism, peaceful dialogue, politeness in speech and respect in dealing with others, respecting international treaties and commitments. The life of Imam Reza (.a.s) is a complete model of interfaith dialogue and peaceful coexistence. In his debates with the leaders of religions and sects, despite proving the truth of his beliefs and invalidating the claims of the debate participants, he would emphasize the two principles of ethics and fairness, refraining from unethical conflict, and in all clarity, accuracy, politeness, and respect, would give the other side a fair opportunity to present their views freely. This has turned these debates into a platform for the expansion of ethics, divine knowledge, and free thinking. The most important foundations and principles that can be inferred from Imam Reza’s (.a.s) interfaith dialogues are: The principle of justice, The principle of human dignity, The principle of freedom of thought and belief, The principle of rejecting prejudice and racism, respect for the ethical principles and the rights of religious minorities.
Translator: Mahdi Qasemi