Dr. Eftekhar Daneshpour's presentation: Investigating Common Ideas of Family Consolidation in the Structure of Abrahamic Religions

Here is the English abstract of Eftekhar Daneshpour (Assistant Professor, Department of Imami Jurisprudence and Law, International University of Islamic Denominations, Iran)'s presentation at the 7nd pre-con meeting of the conference “Imam Reza (PBUH) and Interreligious Dialogue" which was held in International University of Islamic Denominations Tehran, Iran on December 4, 2023.
Investigating Common Ideas of Family Consolidation in the Structure of Abrahamic Religions
The consolidation of the family, beyond valuing the family as the most important element of the social system and an active institution in nation-building, is itself a highly significant concept. In the systems of Abrahamic religions, considered as the teachings attributed to the Creator of the world, certain assumptions have been taken into account for the family. These assumptions include ethical awareness, proper education of family members, positive interaction between spouses, a sound economic attitude, respect and proper hierarchy between parents and children, and ultimately adherence to appropriate attire. The present research endeavors to explore common influential principles for preserving and strengthening the institution of the family in the structure of Abrahamic religious systems through a descriptive-analytical method by referring to library sources. The findings indicate that, despite the material developments in Western culture and lifestyle, which have resulted in the weakening of the family institution, the exploration and scrutiny of the fundamental structure of divine teachings of religions, still serves as a suitable supporter and foundation for preserving the sacred institution of the family. It is evident that in this arena, the Islamic legal system (Sharia) has more precision and supportive principles for family consolidation than other religions.
Translator: Mahdi Qasemi