Ms. Asiyeh Mirza Ali's presentation: The Effect of Worship (ʿIbādah) on the Health and Stability of the Family

Here is the English abstract of Asiyeh Mirza Ali (Chancellor of ʾUm al-Abrār Women Seminary)'s presentation at the 15nd pre-con meeting of the conference “Imam Reza (PBUH) and Interreligious Dialogue" which was held in ʾUm al-Abrār Women Seminary (Aq Qala, Iran) on December 27, 2023.
The Effect of Worship (ʿIbādah) on the Health and Stability of the Family
The main question addressed in this article is whether worship has an important role in psychological well-being and family stability. What is the impact of worship and what are the forms of beliefs and acts of worship? To answer these questions, it first briefly looks at the role and place of worship and beliefs in the family. It then outlines the forms of beliefs and acts of worship and explains the role of each by referencing original Islamic teachings. The institution of family and factors affecting education, and also what strengthens the family and makes it dynamic and stable are topics that have been seriously considered in religious teachings. The Quran as the highest guide for human life provides the best guidance through ethical, beliefs-based, and worship-based recommendations that strengthen, educate, and solidify the family. Distancing from religious perspectives deprives the family of tranquility and pleasure, causing confusion and meaninglessness for its members, and despite material comforts, the family will lack a calm and secure life. It is clear to every Muslim that worship and spiritual connection to the Almighty Creator is an inherent human urge that consolidates and elevates the family, giving meaning and the right perspective to family life.
Translator: Mahdi Qasemi