?Ms. Aylar Aq Atabai's presentation: How to Interact with Children in Islamic Families
14 February 2024
?Ms. Aylar Aq Atabai's presentation: How to Interact with Children in Islamic Families

Here is the English abstract of Aylar Aq Atabai (Faculty Member of ʾUm al-Abrār Women Seminary)'s presentation at the 15nd pre-con meeting of the conference “Imam Reza (PBUH) and Interreligious Dialogue" which was held in ʾUm al-Abrār Women Seminary (Aq Qala, Iran) on  December 27, 2023.



How to Interact with Children in Islamic Families?

Children are the most precious gift that God has entrusted to us, and we have an impact on their destiny. Childhood is one of the most sensitive and decisive periods of human life since the personality and the basis of moral characteristics are laid down at this time. Childhood is the best time for education. Proper and fruitful education is largely dependent on the fact that parents pay attention to this important matter from the beginning of childhood and even before the birth of the child, and make every effort to educate a righteous generation. It is necessary for parents to be involved in the process of raising children, both from the point of view of knowledge and from the point of view of skill. In the theoretical realm, the prerequisite for proper education is to seek help from the Qur'an and Hadith and to observe Islamic principles. Some of the principles that Islamic texts provide us with are: the principle of patience, the principle of love, the principle of dignity, the principle of improving conditions, the principle of ease in duty, and the principle of servitude. Among these principles, the principle of servitude is central, and the other principles are considered means to achieve this principle. This article states that if these principles are implemented correctly, we will have better children and as a result a better society.



Translator: Mahdi Qasemi