Dr. Mehrab Sadeqnia's presentation: Expectations of Interreligious Dialogue Based on the Method of Comparative Theology

Here is the English abstract of Mehrab Sadeqnia (Faculty Member, Department of Abrahamic Religions, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran)'s presentation at the 12nd pre-con meeting of the conference “Imam Reza (PBUH) and Interreligious Dialogue" which was held in University of Religions and Denominations (Qom, Iran) on December 20, 2023.
Expectations of Interreligious Dialogue Based on the Method of Comparative Theology
Interreligious dialogue does not have a clear starting point. This phenomenon took shape from humans’ first encounters with others of different religions. Nonetheless, it has not always pursued a single goal. The early dialogues had a more polemical aspect. They would emphasize identity differences and their central core was proving the truthfulness of one religion and the untruthfulness of the other. This model of interreligious dialogue emphasized that in the rival theological tradition, there is nothing to defend or learn from. However, in the modern era, interreligious dialogue pursues a different goal. A goal that places more emphasis on participation of religious followers in the public sphere; it seeks to downplay differences and bridge gaps. Achieving this goal will be possible by adhering to new methods of comparative theology. Comparative theology, in the model of Francis X. Clooney, can be an appropriate approach due to its insistence on building bridges to other religious traditions, constructiveness, and commitment to participation for the common good.
Translator: Mahdi Qasemi